Do you take actions according to the intent of your soul?
So many people are behaving in ways that are too far apart from the voice of their souls telling them to behave, and as a result they are seized with conflicts, anger, sadness, and fears and so on.
This causes wastes of their notions being symbolized to stay in their Aura and become blockages.
If you do not make any efforts to maintain your wellbeing, your aura, your mouth and your cells will give off powerful effluviums affecting people around you at energy levels and causing problems for you at realistic levels.
When your Etheric body is not clean you will get sick, get injured, have a backache or all sorts of pains in the body and troublesome situations such as getting involved in an accident occur. You will then start having problems in your career, relationships and in your whole life.
On this planet earth we are required to become aware, let go and keep growing. Otherwise we cannot live here.
Before incarnating to life on the earth, people set various events in their lives in order to be aware of the limitations, habits and patterns they inherit from their ancestors from generations to generations so that they can grow spiritually.
By experiencing problems and overcoming these problems, people can change their life styles and release those things that no longer serve them.
They will then understand the importance of spiritual ? the wisdom of the soul’s -integration.
Everything happens as they are all inevitable to happen. It is only when something happens that people start listening.
The reason is maybe because they are all limited and restricted by old teachings and information they have without realizing and they do not know how to connect and align with their own soul consciousness.
Are you willing to listen to your soul and integrate your Body, Mind and Sprit?
Awakening, Ascension, Shifting Dimensions: these mean to become your true self.
When you integrate your soul consciousness and body consciousness and when you become independent and stand on your own, all aspects of your life will open up and expand for you. You will be able to live life at ease without struggling and everything will be synchronized in harmony. The highest best of true self you can be in this life time. A divine guardian group for the earth DIVINE LIGHT. You will be able to create higher dimensioned life you wish to live while shining as one of Divine Light.
Higher Dimensional Life
エーテル体が汚れると病気や怪我や腰痛 身体の痛み事故など色々な事が起きてきます。そして人生に仕事に人間関係に問題が起き始めます。
問題を経験し克服する時 生活習慣を改めいらないものを手放して行けるからです。
覚醒 アセンション〈次元上昇〉は本当の自分自身になって行くという事。
あなたが魂意識と肉体意識を統合し自主独立すると人生がすべての領域において、あなたのために開いて拡大していきます。そして努力なしに楽に生きて行けるようになりすべてがシンクロナイズされ同調して行きます。今世なりえる最高の本当の自分自身。地球を守る聖なるグループDIVINELIGHT 神聖なる光の一人として光り輝き好きなように高次元化した人生を創って生けるようになるでしょう